Sunday, November 17, 2013

Weekly Ramen Bits Nov. 11-16

Every week I gather stories throughout the week that don't deserve there own news article I post here for your convenience.

Sailor Moon's Moon Rods/Wands Inspire Chopsticks - You should get these for the special lady in your life. Or that gay male friend you might need a favor from.

Wolf Children's Dubbed, Subtitled 'An Old House, But a New Home' Clips Posted - Its there if you want to look at it. I really do want to see this but most likely I'll have to wait for the DVD or Blu-Ray to watch it or travel 2 hours to the nearest theater that has it.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII TV Ad Blends Live-Action, CG - I just wanted to post the trailer. It looks cool to me ok!

Updated PokeRap with all 718! - Dear God! Some these creatures are Pokemon! WTH! Also the rapper was about to die.

CollegeHumor's Favorite Funny Videos

Here's the original if you want to look at it. 

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