Dragon Ball's Goku Chows Down on Fried Chicken in KFC TV Ad
KFC in Japan is collaborating with Dragon Ball Z to help promote the new movie DBZ movie Battle of Gods. In the commercial that they aired Goku is telling kids that chicken will make them big and strong. It also seems that several KFC's in Japan is going all in, by dressing the colonel in DBZ cosplay.
Uhhh........ This is interesting. Funny, mind blowing, mind f#$%!#$ery, etc. I only put this here because I found it interesting. Sometimes I wished they do that sort of thing in America, it would make things interesting.
Unto more serious news....
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R to Be Released in the West
Arc System Works confirmed that the the new Guilty Gear game, Guilty Gear: XX Accent Core Plus R will be released in the west. The game is for the PSVita system and will be released in Japan later this year. No word on the western release date.
Oh yes! A new Guilty Gear game! For a system I don't have! Yes! Seriously? This game looks awesome enough to make go out and buy a PSVita (not really). I wish they could make a game for the big consoles it's bad enough I don't have a PSVita but its not going to be available on anything else.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Goku eats KFC & New Guilty Gear comes West!
8:39 PM
Dorian Chadwick