Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods Film's Latest Footage Aired
A morning television program called "Mezamashi Terebi" showed a clip from the new the movie Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods. The clip features the Z gang and a couple of new aliens into the mix. The film is set after the defeat of Majin Buu, but don't count it as a spin-off it's part of the DBZ timeline. Akira Toriyama is handling the story and design, and Masahiro Hosado is directing (DBZ episode director). The film has a release date of March 30.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Sorry nostalgia moment. I can't believe I'm actually excited about this especially considering that I have a love/hate relationship with the show. Worst part is that I didn't hear about this until now. I love Dragon Ball and GT was OK, but DBZ had me frustrated at the overly long talk scenes and cheering at the fight scenes. It's simple show that went on too long but I still watch it from time to time just because it was part of my childhood. It's nice to see a classic comeback even if there are people who truly hate this title. Now the only debate is should I fly over to Japan and see it when it comes out or wait until it gets over here?
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