Annecy International Animated Film Festival is a animated film festival held in Annecy, France every year. Out of 26 categories not one anime won an award. Berserk Golden Age Arc II: The Battle for Doldery was up best feature film but it lost to Uma Historia de Amor e Furia (Rio 2096: A Story of Love and Fury). There were other anime in other categories like Kick-Heart in the short film category.
I'm not going to be one of the "ani-hards" or "otakus" that claims "anime is the best form of animation and blah blah blah." Has anime won Annecy Awards in the past? Yes. Has an anime film/show/project won in at least one category every single year? No. The point I'm trying to make is that instead of looking at this like a lose consider this a win for animation, specifically 2D animation. Most of the films that were competing or won were 2D animated films. A lot of 2D animated films/shows/projects are still considered "kid stuff" especially in North America. I don't know if Berserk deserved to win or not I can't make that call, because I haven't seen it. Don't look at this as a defeat, look at this as a step forward.
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