Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hiatus on Print Manga

Digital Manga Publishing Sets Temporary Print Hiatus

The president of Digital Manga Publishing, Hikaru Sasahara announced that there will be a temporary hiatus on physical manga titles. There was no clear reason given as to why this is happening. Speculation has began to suggest that the cost of paper, and other print related issues have caused this. The printed mangas will be released later next year. (For the full list of titles you can link above or go to DMP's website here)

"Today we would like to announce that effective January 1st 2013, the print editions for our DMP, June Manga, DokiDoki and 801Media imprints will be placed on a temporary hiatus. Please be advised that none of our licenses are cancelled, simply postponed. We will be resuming the distribution of our print editions in June, 2013. This hiatus will allow us to coordinate our production schedule for 2013 and temporarily shift our focus to our digital publications.
I am sure our fans are shocked by this announcement, but I would like to extend my gratitude for their continuing support and patience. In the mean time, if you have any questions, I can be reached at: contact (at) emanga dot com"
Hikaru Sasahara

マンガ Manga madness 
It's the beginning of the end folks....... or perhaps just a phase. There's been movement going towards the digital platform for years, and with the all the portable devices (tablets, smartphones, and versatile mp3s) it makes it easier easier to carry all your entertainment with you. This hiatus is just the beginning of the conversion, we've seen the beloved Shonen Jump magazine make the jump to digital this year. I'm not saying that there will be no printed manga anymore after such and such a time, but publishing companies are only going to print their most popular or bestselling series. They're not going to want to take risk with new properties and if they do there going to start out digital.   

Are we seeing the end of the print era, or are we worked up over nothing?


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